MEMBERSHIP AT THE Hobart Showground
The Royal Agricultural Society of Tasmania

The RAST President, Peter Spotswood invites you to purchase, renew or upgrade your membership with the Royal Agricultural Society of Tasmania (RAST) for 2024.
Committee members of the RAST are entitled to committee associate membership for the RAST and related benefits, however I encourage all committee members to upgrade to full membership and enjoy the added benefits.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Spotswood
RAST President
Please note: These benefits will vary depending on the type of membership purchased. Please see last page for variations.
Royal Hobart Show tickets for you, 2 adult guests or 1 adult guest and 2 children, each day plus free parking.
Discounted tickets to the annual Fine Wine & Dine Dinner.
Discounted exhibitor fees to the Royal Hobart Show, the Wine Show and the Fine Food Awards (Full members only) .
Priority invitation to VIP dinners and functions.
A 20% discount in the Motor Home Park (One transaction per year).
A copy of our regular newsletter, via email “RASTUS”.
Priority to members for the use of the buggy service during the Show to transport less mobile members to their requested area of the Showground.
Eligibility to stand for election to any office of the Society and the right to vote at the Annual General Meeting and other privileges as defined in the Articles of Association.
Full Membership
Restricted Membership
Junior Membership
Discounts for Committee Members